Greetings! We are blessed to plan for our
return to in-person worship on
August 1st – the first Sunday in August.
We will return to worship in the
Ebenezer Baptist Church Sanctuary,
being careful to follow guidelines to
keep us safe and healthy.
Please be patient as we take all necessary precautions upon our return. 
Sunday Worship, August 1, 2021
10:30 A.M.
Children’s Sunday School via Zoom
12:30 P.M.
– The church doors will open at 9:45 a.m. 

– Temperature checks will be administered upon entry. 

– Members and guests will follow ushers’ instructions for seating. 

– Discourage gatherings in foyer or common areas. 

– Family members of the same household may sit together. 

– Maintain social distancing for restrooms. 

– At the end of worship, ushers will dismiss each row. 

– Please wear a mask before, during, and after worship. 

– Please keep your children with you during worship. The nursery will be closed until further notice.  


– For protection of everyone’s health, remind members and guests that if their temperature is 99.1 degrees or higher, to worship with us via YouTube rather than in the sanctuary. 

– Please remind members and guests to stay home if they have a fever or if they are feeling sick. 

– Please remind members and guests stay home if they have had Covid-19 two weeks prior to their entrance to in-person worship.

– Please remind members and guests to stay home if they cannot wear a mask during the entire worship service. 

– Please remind members and guests to stay home if they have traveled to areas recently effected by Covid-19.

– Please fill-up the front pews (closest to the pulpit) of the sanctuary so that the broadcast is not disturbed for those coming into worship late. Reserve the back of the sanctuary (seating closest to the main sanctuary entrance) for late comers. 




– Remind members and guests that everyone must come through the main entrance of the sanctuary for screening purposes. 

– All sanctuary doors, including the outside doors should be propped open at the end of worship. The receiving line will be temporarily suspended. (This will not restrict the pastor from greeting members for those comfortable with doing so.)

– There will be instructions on the worship screens to encourage members to remain seated until their row is dismissed for a safe exit.

– The choir will be encouraged to use the rear west entrance when exiting the sanctuary. 



– The Deacons will be in charge of the offering and communion period. All updates will be given from the Diaconate board concerning these two items. 

– The pre-packaged communion will be placed within the holders/shelves on the pews prior to worship. 

– The offering will be collected during worship with the normal offertory trays, and will be handled only by the ushers and deacons. The tray will not be passed to each person.