The Ushers, Greeters, and Nurses seek to serve Christ by humbling ourselves to be servants unto his people, as we minister unto their physical and emotional needs and comforts. Our mission is embedded in scripture reference of Psalm 84:10 – “ I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of the wicked.” We stand at the door to welcome those who come to seek Christ through worship and those who come to witness in the form of songs, praises, prayers, testimonies and proclamations. As an auxiliary, we strive to attend to the added comforts that aid in making worship a loving and pleasant experience. We provide programs, fans, water, group and individual seating, as well as any and all assistance to members and visitors to help enhance the Christian experience while worshiping with Ebenezer.
- To provide an atmosphere that allows for reverent worship, Christian fellowship and comfort
- To serve worshipers with efficiency, enthusiasm, and reverence
- To insure that the Church building is safe for entry and worship
- To greet, seat, and escort worshipers
- To respond to special needs and medical emergencies
Usher Groups include: Greeters
- Membership is open to all adults.
- Senior – Membership is open to all adults.
- Men – Membership is open to all adult males.
- Youth – Membership is open to all youth ages 8-18
- Membership is open to all adults.