Evangelism Ministry
The Evangelism Ministry is comprised
of members serving in several areas
of discipline that connect the church
to its mission.
Women’s Ministry
The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn their own faith.
Men’s Ministry
Our church is open and friendly with many social activities. To keep our church running smoothly, we have committees anyone can join.
Youth & Young Adults Ministry
The Youth and Young Adult Ministry provides spiritual tools for youth and adult members to develop strong Christlike character and willingness to serve through Christian mentorship, training, and fellowship opportunities.
Education Ministry
The goal of our Christian Education Ministry is to provide biblical and theologically sound educational experiences that foster spiritual formation and development.
Music Ministry
The Ebenezer Music Ministry provides musical praise for all regular and special worship events.
Social Ministry
The Ebenezer Social Ministry plans, coordinates, and executes all the details for receptions, dinners, meals, fellowships, and refreshments for Church-sponsored programs and events.
Ushers, Nurses and Greeters
The Ushers, Nurses, and Greeters seek serve Christ by humbling ourselves to be servants unto His people as we minister unto their physical and emotional needs and comforts.

Condolence Ministry
The Condolence Ministry provides a prayerful, compassionate and caring service to the families of deceased members.
Flower Ministry
The Flower Ministry ensures that flowers are on the altar each Sunday and orders the funeral
spray for deceased members of
Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry is comprised of members serving in several areas of discipline that connect the church to its mission.
Scholarship Committee
The Ebenezer Scholarship Committee was established to administer the Scholarship Program which is funded through endowments and undesignated contributions.